Chalfont St Peter Library is managed and run solely by volunteers, gathered mostly from our village but some also travel in to be part of our team.
The bulk of the day-to-day running of the library is shared amongst a pool of 60-odd volunteers who do a 3-hour shift fortnightly.
They manage the library front desk, deal with all issuing and receiving of stock and book enquiries. They also play a vital role in assisting customers with local area information, as well as running activities for our wider community.
Some volunteers choose not to work on the front desk and rather carry out a specific tasks such as book sorting, shelving and other small public events to help raise funds. Others assist with building maintenance, garden work and light cleaning.
All volunteers have been vetted and trained and carry out activities with respect and care for the health and safety of our library users and other volunteers. We have Grievance Procedures, Diversity and Data Protection Policies in place to protect their best interests. We also have formal policies in place regarding Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults to ensure that no member of the public is put at risk and to protect the integrity of our volunteers.
Our volunteers perform a crucial function and a community library would just not be possible without them. They are hugely valued and much appreciated! If you would like to apply to join our volunteer team, please come and talk to us to learn more, or download and print the official Volunteer Form available here at this link and hand in at the library. The pdf version link is